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Photo by Tanja Pigott

Street Light Request

Request for Street Lighting


Request for street lighting where no lighting already exists will first be evaluated for the need to install a light system on the roadway or development, in accordance with the Uniform Development Ordinance of the City of Boiling Spring Lakes. Installation of a single independent light will only be approved on a case-by-case basis after completion of an evaluation for validating a lighting problem.

It is the responsibility of the individual making the street light request to complete the attached Street Light Request Form and to ensure that the request contains the following information:

• Requestor's name, address, telephone number, and reason for requesting the street light installation;

• Exact location (street address) of the requested street light (e.g., pole between 628 & 632 Elm Street);

• Pole number for the adjacent existing streetlights;

• Drawing (on a separate sheet) showing the location of the requested street light, street width, and distance of the existing street light(s) to the requested street light;

• Petition with the names, addresses, phone numbers, and signatures of residents on both sides of the street within 200 feet of the proposed street light, whether in support or opposed to the installation of the street light; Important: The petition must indicate at least a 75% majority of residents support the requested installation of the street light. The property owners shall provide the necessary utility easements for electrical service to the light at no cost to the City of Boiling Spring Lakes.

Upon approval of the installation of the streetlight by the City Manager, the City will request necessary easement at no cost to be provided to the appropriate electric company for the purpose of installing the streetlight.

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